For more than 20 years, the Austrian Armed Forces have had simulation systems in their training and education. Simulation systems offer a wide range of application possibilities for all levels of leadership.
Simulation can…
- compensate for structural deficits
- maintain or develop skills
- help to make better use of time for practical training and exercises
- cover legal requirements
- are a motivating training tool, and
- be used for development and research
The military academy operates two different simulation systems:
- Führungssimulator (Command and control simulator)
- CATT (Combined Arms Tactical Trainer)
These two systems support teaching in both, basic officer training and advanced officer training.
Both simulation systems are also available to all other branches of the Austrian Armed Forces. Within the framework of civil-military cooperation or cooperation programmes, civilian agencies such as the police, district commanders or the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt also train their staff or students.
The "Führungssimulator" is based on CAE's GESI simulation system. This system is designed to run complex and comprehensive joint and combined exercises at both tactical and operational levels.
In CAX mode, the CAE GESI system enables commanders and their staff to conduct normal training exercises in their regular command posts using live command and control systems. The commanders determine the course of the simulated combat scenario exercise by the decisions they make. Using regular tactical maps or command and control (C2) systems, the commanders receive situation reports from subordinate commanders at the CAE GESI workstations. The CAE GESI system is then used to represent the mission area, including entities such as vehicles, aircraft, ships, logistics, casualties and more.

CIMIC-training using the "Führungssimulator". CAE GESI is the primary constructive simulation training tool used for command and staff training in Europe.
Whether preparing for traditional combat readiness, operations other than war (OOTW), peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, civil and military cooperation (CIMIC), military operations in urban terrain (MOUT), or joint and multinational operations, military leaders are trained with CAE GESI in procedures, processes and decision-making to help ensure mission readiness.
CIMIC-training using the "Führungssimulator". CAE GESI is the primary constructive simulation training tool used for command and staff training in Europe.
The "Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT)" is available to the Military Academy to support practical training. The system is to be classified in the category of "virtual simulation" and is primarily intended to develop or improve command and control capabilities in the area of combat techniques levels.

The CATT consists of the three-dimensional battle simulation "Steel Beasts" and the radio simulation "Comm Net Radio". These two simulation systems can be used independently or as combined simulation.
The CATT consists of the three-dimensional battle simulation "Steel Beasts" and the radio simulation "Comm Net Radio". These two simulation systems can be used independently or as combined simulation.