TMAF 2024
Manoeuvre Warfare and Manoeuvrist Approach
This year's TMAF had the topic ‘Manoeuvre Warfare and Manoeuvrist Approach’ and took place from 8th to 10th October 2024 at the Theresan Military Academy (TMA). For Western strategists, the ‘Manoeuvrist Approach’ is the fundamental theory.
TMAF 2023
„Cognitive Warfare – Fighting and Winning Wars in the 21st Century?”
The Theresan Military Academy (TMA) trains the officers for the Austrian Armed Forces. The basic officer training consists of the Career Officer Course as well as the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Bachelor Programme Military Leadership (FH-BaStg MilFü) or the UAS Bachelor Programme Military Information and Communication Technology Leadership (FH-BaStg Mil-IKTFü).
TMAF 2022
The Art of Leadership
The Theresan Military Academy (TMA) trains the officers for the Austrian Armed Forces. The basic officer training consists of the Career Officer Course as well as the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Bachelor Programme Military Leadership (FH-BaStg MilFü) or the UAS Bachelor Programme Military Information and Communication Technology Leadership (FH-BaStg Mil-IKTFü)