Monday, 5th May 2025
18:00 | Ice Breaker | Officers Club MilAk |
Tuesday, 6th May 2025
09:00 | Welcome & Opening | Sparkassensaal Neunkirchner Straße 17, 2700 Wiener Neustadt |
National anthem | ||
Welcome address | COL (GS) Dr. Markus Reisner (AUT) Theresan Military Academy, Programme Director & Head of Institute forBasic Officer Education. | |
Musical piece | ||
Dr. Michael König (AUT) Head of the University of Applied Military Sciences Board. | ||
10:30 | Morning Coffee Break | |
11:00 | The WarTech Nexus - Are military structures fit enough? | COL Bernhard Schulyok (AUT) National Director of the multinational platform Military Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence. Dr. Lukas Grangl & Dr. Markus Gruber (AUT) Military Experts in the Reserve of the Austrian Armed Forces. |
A Study on the Relationship between Automation Levels and Combat Effectiveness. | COL Insoo Kim (KOR) Professor of Sociology, Korea Military Academy (KMA). LTC Kieun Sung (KOR) Professor of Political Science, Korea Military Academy. CDT Yeeun Hwang (KOR) Korea Military Academy. | |
Dr. Wolfgang Müller (GER) Resident Fellow German Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies (GIDS). | ||
Autonomous Weapons and Soldier Morale: Historical Lessons, Contemporary Challenges, and Future Implications. | André Berntsen MPhil (NOR), Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
12:30 | Lunchbreak | |
14:30 | Nanotechnologies in Autonomous Warfare: Redefining Power, Precision and Strategy. | Dr. Mikk Antsov (EST) Department of Applied Research, Estonian Military Academy. |
Innovative technologies in the development of explosives and pyrotechnics for modern warfare. | CDT Doris Dasović (CRO) Croatian Defence Academy. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
15:30 | Afternoon Coffee Break | |
16:00 | Trends and Practical Applications of Energy Storage Solutions in the Military. | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintaras Labutis (LTU) Military Academy of Lithuania. |
Enhancing battlefield observation with imitation learning and digital twin-based model training. | Michail Kefalakis (GRC) PhD Candidate in the Hellenic Army Academy. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
from 18:00 | Dinner and afterwards Group guided tour through the exhibition "From the Imperial Residence to the Home of the Officers" and Come together in the Officers Club of Theresan Military Academy. |
Wednesday. 7th May 2025
09:00 | Beyond the Horizon: Training Minds and Systems for Tomorrow's Conflicts. | CPT (GS) Johannes Ginthör (AUT) Theresan Military Academy. MAJ (GS) Markus Schmid (AUT) Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence. |
LTC (GS) Patrick Hofstetter PhD (SUI) Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich. | ||
Perspectives on AI Security in Defense-critical Contexts. | Assoc. Prof. Clemens Kerschbaum, PhD (AUT) New Design University St. Pölten. Raphael Dachs (AUT) AI & AI strategy consultant, Argus AI. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
10:30 | Morning Coffe Break | |
11:00 | From an Engineering Perspective: Small Drones affecting the Course of Warfare. | CPT Kevin Tebbe (GER) University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. |
Countering High-Altitude Platforms: Defending Against a New Generation of Aerial Threats. | Assistent Prof. Miha Šlebir, PhD (SVN) University of Ljubljana. Prof. Janja Vuga Beršnak, PhD (SVN) University of Ljubljana. | |
Resilience and agility: Supply chain requirements in military operations. | MAJ Ana-Maria Merlusca (ROU) Superior Instructor & PhD candidate, "Carol I" National Defence University Bucharest. | |
1+1 ≠ 2: Digital Friction, Uncertainty, and the Limits of Technological Determinism. | CPT Alexander Schaebler (GER) Youth Information Officer, German Armed Forces. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
12:30 | Lunchbreak | |
14:30 | Autonomy, Innovation and Leadership: The Future of Maritime Interations in the Age of AI. | CDT Marco Francavilla (ITA) Italian Naval Academy in Livorno. CDT James Filippo Armstrong (ITA) Italian Naval Academy. |
The usage of state-of-the-art simulators in formation of the future navy officers. | Assoc. Prof. Ovidiu Cristea, PhD (ROU) Head of Naval Tactics and Armaments Department, Romanian Naval Academy. | |
Discussion & Reflection | ||
15:30 | Afternoon Coffee Break | |
16:00 | Wartech Nexus - The ultimate Human-Machine Fusion? | COL Bernhard Schulyok (AUT) National Director of the multinational platform Military Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence. Katharina-Franziska Zeman (AUT) Executive Assistant in Insurance. |
AI in the Line of Fire: Rethinking Ethics in the Face of Tactical Nuclear Threats. | COL Jill Long (USA) University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. CPT Tamsyn Karlotta Garinet (GER) University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. CPT Severin Pleyer (GER) University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. | |
Moral Warfare Through Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems? Ethical Challenges. | Lisa Maren Tragbar (GER) Lecturer & PhD Candidate University of Vienna. | |
19:00 | TMAF - Dinner | Award ceremony for the best presentation Farewell Alt-Neustadt Hall |
Thursday, 8th May 2025
from 09:00 | Cultural excursion to the federal capital Vienna. | Museum of Military History & Historic city centre |
Friday, 9th May 2025